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CAMSC’s Vision

To be the nationally recognized, respected and trusted business partner, leading supplier diversity in all industry segments with proven results in wealth and job creation for Aboriginal and minority suppliers.

Economic value is created by deepening business and diverse supplier relationships through the innovation, competitiveness and brand loyalty in the supply chain.

CAMSC’s Mission

To champion business relationships and economic growth of the Canadian supply chain through the inclusion of Aboriginals and Minority suppliers.

Associated with the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC), CAMSC is also a member of SDAC (Supplier Diversity Alliance Canada) and GSDA (Global Supplier Diversity Alliance). 

Buckingham Holdings CAMSC Certification

I used CAMSC to certify our company as an Aboriginal Owned Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) because it’s a nationally recognized certification valid across Canada.

CAMSC allows Corporate Canada to procure goods & services from minority-owned companies and enables the money spent to count as a minority sourced spend. This is required to show that they’re being socially responsible to all demographics/minorities and show that they’re giving equal opportunity to all suppliers, whether large or small.

CAMSC creates equal opportunities for all companies to submit tenders for supply contracts for private industry & Municipal, Provincial & Federal Government agencies.